How Local Auto Dealers Can Pull Ahead of the Online Competition

Yellow Volkswagen parked at an auto dealership.

Auto dealerships are constantly trying to find new ways to differentiate themselves in a shifting industry. Websites like Carvana, which promote the “car vending machine” model,” have vastly changed the consumer car-buying landscape.

One way local dealerships remain competitive is by offering a combination of online and in-person buying options. Yet, while online shopping has become commonplace, most people still prefer the in-person car shopping experience, with companies they trust.

Collaborating with a video production company to create eye-catching commercials can be a great way to build trust and stand out amongst the competitive automotive market.

Developing a presence within a community can help establish a relationship with a customer and encourage repeat business over time. One company found that 50% of customers returned due to emotionally resonant advertising. MenajErie Studio has seen firsthand how commercials that utilize local landmarks and memorable branding endear the public to a dealership.

If you’re an owner, marketing director, or a key stakeholder in a dealership and are considering video content as part of your marketing strategy, this blog post is for you. In it, we highlight what to look for in a media company that specializes in automotive video content, how to repurpose your commercials for traditional and digital media, and ideas on how to leverage the power of video content.

5 Tips to Accelerate Your Advertising

Various cars parked at a Mercedes dealership.

Finding new ideas to spice up a local car commercial can be as easy as walking out the front door! While corporate commercials may utilize closed tracks or epic landscapes, a local advertisement that features beloved hometown gems pack a much more emotional punch.

Visit a Familiar Location

One way to step outside the dealership for commercial concepts is by visiting a local destination.

In the small town of Erie, Pennsylvania, Presque Isle State Park is a favorite among residents and tourists alike, making it a prime backdrop for advertising locally.

By placing vehicles in a recognizable setting, like a local park, people feel an immediate connection to a commercial, as well as see real-world applications of the car. Watching a commercial where an SUV climbs a snowy mountain might resonate with Coloradans, but for local Erie folk, seeing that SUV haul beach supplies to a familiar vacation spot hits closer to home.

A car driving on a road surrounded by various trees.

Similarly, using local backdrops to tell relatable stories within the context of a town gives consumers a better idea of how a vehicle could enhance daily life. These community vignettes may include a mom transporting her daughter and friends to a dance class or a dad bringing his son to a community baseball game.

Creating a narrative set within a local town not only gives a sense of realism, but also establishes relatability while showcasing the car’s capabilities.

Utilizing local culture, landmarks, and even residents as actors will allow for more personal commercials that connect with audiences. Whether highlighting popular tourist destinations or introducing a local mascot to the mix, thinking outside the box by looking within a city’s limits is a great way to diversify commercial content.

Tailor Your Commercials to the Season

Tailoring commercials to the seasonal activities of a particular town is another way to show a car's wide range of uses. Activities may include cutting down Christmas trees at a neighborhood tree farm, frequenting downtown landmarks on a beautiful spring day, or having a summer picnic at a community lake.

Showing a car’s capabilities in different terrains, climates, and relatable activities will make for unique commercial concepts that will capture audiences’ imaginations.

These advertisements not only pay homage to a dealership’s hometown, but also display engaging situations to local consumers.

Use a Mascot, Tagline, or Jingle

Introducing a mascot, tagline, or jingle into commercials can be a great way to create brand recognition. This mascot can either be a two-dimensional cartoon or a real-world character like an adorable puppy.

Having a recurring figure in commercials gives consumers a sense of connection to a brand and consistency in broadcast spots. A mascot can give a focus to a commercial or a unique take to a concept that allows a brand to stand out from its competitors.

A man in blue wearing a panda mask while posing by a car.

Introducing a mascot into television commercials and social media spots can also rev up a dealership’s overall image. Basing company branding around the character or updating the logo to incorporate the mascot creates memorability and familiarity with customers.

Using a catchy tagline, especially in combination with a unique jingle. is another way to build cohesive branding and create memorable advertisements. The benefit of utilizing taglines and jingles is the wide range of uses amongst mediums. These branding tools lend themself to broadcast commercials, social media spots, radio advertisements, and billboards.

In one survey, 63% of consumers found jingles created a specific memory of a brand, exemplifying the effectiveness of utilizing music and taglines to generate brand awareness.

Find Inspiration

While coming up with a unique idea is important, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. If you keep running into roadblocks when brainstorming concepts, it may be time to hop online and see what other dealerships have done!

Finding inspiration from local car dealerships outside your own town is a great way to get the creative juices flowing and think outside the box. There are numerous blogs and video compilations highlighting a variety of commercial approaches from funny or heart-warming to innovative and eye-catching.

Taking an idea or concept and finding a way to make it your own is a great way to pull yourself out of a rut and make a splash in your hometown.

Work with Creative Professionals

A media company can take a multitude of branding strategies and transform them into one cohesive marketing campaign. Teaming up with creative professionals will bring your ideas to life and even offer new insight into your company from a third-party, outsider perspective.

A man in red filming cars on set.

A production company will help with consistency, planning quarterly, monthly, or even weekly advertising content ranging from broadcast commercials to social media spots. The regularity of advertisements leads to higher brand awareness, making a dealership stand out more amongst the online competition.

Driving Sales with Video Content

When making a big financial decision, people are more likely to do business with a company they trust. In order to establish trust and brand recognition with consumers, consistent commercials are a must! In fact, it takes at least 5-7 advertising spots for a person to remember a company.

Investing in a variety of commercial spots that utilize both corporate footage, as well as the local landscape, will help a dealership stand out in a competitive market.

Whether your company is brand new, or a local staple, it’s never too late to create new and engaging advertising campaigns to kick your branding into high gear!


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